Poo is Mr. Whutin?

Sep 25, 2006 11:24

- Good Evening! Can You tell me, Poo is Mr. Whutin?
- Good Evening! Sorry, maybe You mean to ask, Who is Mr. Putin?
- Oh, no! I know very well, who is Mr. Putin, and this thing is quite clear to me. But I can't understand at all, Poo is Mr. Whutin?! Can You explain me this unclearness?!...
- But who is Mr. Whutin?
- Oh, no, man. I don't interested in WHO is Mr. Whutin. I ask You to explain Me, POO is Mr. Whutin?!?!..
- Man, You're just totally crazy or brainsless...
- No, no! I'm not crazy or mad, I just can't understand, Poo is Mr. Whutin?!
- Yeah, if You're not crazy mad, so answer me please, Who is Mr. Putin?!..
- Mr. Putin is the second and current President of Russian republic, a foundator of conception of autoritary democracy and the World's most famous child-kisser. So well, it's Mr. Putin. But Poo is Mr. Whutin?!
- I just don't know this, man. I can't explain it to You. Sorry.
- Oh, fuckin' stupid northern country! Oh, mothafuckin' land of brainless slaves and despotic leaders! Nobody, ultimately nobody can explain me! Ultimately nobody can ever guess this evident answer! Nobody, NOBODY could even guess, thet MR. WHUTIN IS POO!!!
- Stop, man! Stop! Because of You're quite wrong and completely unfair!
- What's the fuckin' fuck of the fuckoff?!
- Yes, it's true that our Mr. Whutin is Poo. It's evidently clear that our Mr. Whutin is just a little Poo. But it's also another side of coin. It's also true that YOUR MR. WHUSH IS TOTALLY AND ULTIMATELY BOO!!!!
- Oh, minemothafuckin'god... damned impossible Russia....

© comrade_voland, 24/09/2006 г.

politics, joke, mr. putin, юмор, политика, who is mr. putin, стёб, fun

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