Title: Two Weeks of Sunshine
Series: Hetalia
Character(s) or Pairing(s): England/France.
Summary: AU. What Arthur had expected on his trip of the vineyards of France was solitude, good wine, and a quiet end to his rather disastrous love life. What he had not expected was a hostel in Rome with a Frenchman, no wine and rainy start to a long summer.
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Comments 13
Oh god, I ADORE romantic comedy's!
There's more right? RIGHT!? 8D
This was fantastic, I laughed at all the right moments, and loved how Arthur just seems to be having the worst day.
Franciiiiis, Arthur you don't know how lucky you are! If I had a sexy young french man offer to take me to rome...well actually I'd probably call the cops >.> BUT STILL! <3
I'm really mean to Iggy... he's just to fun to have angry and depressed XD
If it was Francis, I'd probably be callin' the cops. I NEED TO PROTECT MY VITAL REGIONS XD
This is so good~ I can't believe it! You have a great writing style :D
I always see Francis calling Arthur "Sourcils". Thanks for feeding my inner fangirl. xDDDD
He totally would call him that. :D
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And oh, picking someone up at the side of the street and offering them a free trip to Rome, that is just so Francis <3 A-And the idea of Arthur just snapping in the middle of a street in Paris is hilarious XDD
((a;slkdfj and like everyone else, Francis in a black turtleneck <33 permission to draw? *A*))
HE TOTALLY WOULD! It just depends on the fact that most people would say no, Arthur just a crazy mofo XD
omfg YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Be sure to link it! I wanna see! Especially if it's on dA, then I can fav and show it off ot the ENTIRE WORLD!
I'd have to say that the writing here is impressive. I'd like to say mature maybe? Not in a sense that I'd rate it mature, but more of, it has the air of maturity. And the reading on, I can totally feel and see the setting--I've never been to Paris, but this fic made me feel as though I was there myself :)
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