Title: Memoirs of a Prussian Defence
twilightrose2Character(s) or Pairing(s): Prussia/Canada and France/UK
Rating: T
Genre: Humour/Romance
Warnings: Gilbert being Gilbert.
Summary: If Gilbert was ever going to write a personal memoir, this is exactly where he would start. With a concerned Canadian standing over him, an angry Brit yelling from the
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Comments 37
1. I cant stop staring at the FrUK pic at the bottom of your profile and the small adorable pixel chibis every time i come to your journal ;w; Is this a conspiracy?
2. FFF I love how you write Gilbo so deeply! He's adorable and kinda spazzy and his disbelief to his gayness is like... what I can imagine he will act like. Also, -"And that you want to be the butter knife to his muffin."- and -"This sucks." He sighed, "And now I can't even say that…"- makes me laugh so hard, it's not even funny (for my tummy).; A-A-And Bambi Gilbo *wibble* Can I to be has?
2. I love write Gilbert. I thought I wasn't going to write him after date plan but I was wrong! go me XD
I'm loving this so far, wanna see were it goes~
google gay xDD
Yep~ Finally got around to it!
what has this guy gotten himself into hahahahaa
a lot of icy shenanigans. if he's lucky, they'll let him use five meters as a stick
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