There's a map online where you can check levels of infestation in NYC - the hot zones, etc. I've never had a problem with them but my dogs' fleas in Brasil kinda gave me the idea of the horror...
I really want the job tomorrow so I shall carry your thoughts with me. :-)
If your bed had them, you'd both know. You'd find them crawling all over you. Still, have a check underneath the mattress - that's where they like to lay their eggs and multiply, so I hear.
someone in Austin had them and I saw them on his mattress on the news last night! Here's the part that really stinks...he was blind! So when the blind guy gets bed bugs they just sneak in the news cameras, apparently. I was wondering if his seeing eye dog is what brought them in?!
Literary fail - you only just inspired me to look up whether In Cold Blood was true crime or fiction, I read in years ago after somebody gave it to me and never bothered to find out!
Comments 11
good luck with your job interview. if you want it, i hope you get it!
I really want the job tomorrow so I shall carry your thoughts with me. :-)
There were two recent film versions on Capote and his life around the time of the book, and they are both really good! Worth checking out.
I haven't read the book - been meaning to though for ages.
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