The thing is that the flu kills the strong ones. It makes the immune system overreact (Google 'cytokine storm') and in the strong ones that is what kills. It is the people with weak immune systems that stand a better chance, which is why flus like this are socially so devastating: the most productive people get taken out.
It's the latest pandemic scare story, isn't it? There's at least one every year. Give it a month ot two and it'll be replaced with something else (three months from now: eats words as bodies are being shovelled from the street and it resembles a scene from 28 Days Later)
Hey Ollie - sorry - been a while since I've done much with LJ. Facebook has sort of pulled me in, when I'm not busy with school. Just wanted to say hi. Is James Wyler and Mason Wyler the same person, btw?
Hey there! No worries... it's only normal for real life - or other sites - to pull us away from LJ once in a while. Just glad you can come back and say hi once in a while.
Yes - James Wyler and Mason Wyler are the same. I guess you know his work? ;-)
Comments 10
are we vegetarians safe? XD
i got 3 flus since i was in manchester last December :S
*blames uk snow*
Yes - James Wyler and Mason Wyler are the same. I guess you know his work? ;-)
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