Wherein I am Exceedingly Vexed

Jun 02, 2007 00:13

It has been three days since I departed Port Royal with the Dauntless to search for Jack Sparrow, and thus far we have encountered nothing but doldrums on the sea and rumours on land.  The ideas that man seems to cultivate about himself are absolutely mad- he rode off on the back of a dolphin, or perhaps he was last seen in the upstairs room of a ( Read more... )

non-community based, sebastian!verse, jack sparrow

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captjacksparrow June 2 2007, 21:55:21 UTC
S'might be profitable to be getting out of the sun, mate, if you're to be believing such tales.

Wasn't a dolphin. Giant squid.


captjacksparrow June 3 2007, 00:00:06 UTC
*squirms out of the way and dodges until he is standing in Norrington's old spot, staring at the back of the man in front of him*

Wouldn't be as inclined to cause trouble if you had a spot of rum in you, mate.

*stands loosely at the ready in case Norrington decides to jump him again*

Though maybe this is just your form when it comes to such things as seduction and good men, eh?


commodore_jln June 3 2007, 00:08:37 UTC
And how do you know that, Sparrow? *lunges again, smiling evilly* I might be a violent drunk.

*pulls out his sword with a flourish*

And as for seduction and good men, I- *pauses, suddenly completely flabbergasted* Seduction? Sparrow, are you- I- what?


captjacksparrow June 3 2007, 00:16:11 UTC
Perhaps you are, but all inebriated scallywags such as meself would surely love to see such a --

*side-steps the lunge again and withdraws his own sword, circling around to keep talking to Norrington's back*

*becomes confused himsef at Norrington's question* What?


commodore_jln June 3 2007, 00:21:01 UTC
*furiously brings his sword down at Sparrow*

You deliberately try to confuse me, you mock me, and now you attempt to- to *he can barely bring himself to spit out the word* seduce me? And you wonder, Sparrow, why I cannot stand you.


captjacksparrow June 3 2007, 00:25:25 UTC
*blocks the blow and thrusts up in return*

I think, mate, if we're to be looking at this objectively, it was you who brought up seduction first. So if there is any wondering to be about as to why you cannot stand me, perhaps we should be looking at your own motives and not mine.

Unless you want to take this lying down.


commodore_jln June 3 2007, 00:28:13 UTC
*parries Jack's thrust and spins around, thrusting with his blade*

I do not like what you are implying, pirate.


captjacksparrow June 3 2007, 00:32:44 UTC
*undercuts the thrust and delves a blow with the fist holding the hilt of his sword to Norrington's chest*

The implication in and of itself or the what of the matter to be reckoned with?


commodore_jln June 3 2007, 00:41:02 UTC
*chokes for air and wrathfully throws a punch at Sparrow, hitting him in the face. He regards him triumphantly*

Neither, as it happens. Though perhaps you do. *sneers* A catamite as well as a pirate. Well, I wouldn't be surprised.


captjacksparrow June 3 2007, 00:44:19 UTC
*reels from the punch and then brings up his sword, slicing at whatever part of Norrington he can while his eyesight blacks out*

If you dislike neither, my good Commodore, you certainly are putting up quite a fight at disproving that claim.


commodore_jln June 3 2007, 00:46:47 UTC
*still angry, but confused as well. He fights to keep said confusion from showing, as he casually parries Jack's wild slices*

And what do you mean by that?


captjacksparrow June 3 2007, 00:54:10 UTC
What is that anyone means by whatever the meaning implied?

*shakes his head a bit and throws out a sharp, wild strike to Norrington's shoulder before retreating a few steps*

Had quite enough, mate, or should we continue this erudite battle of wits and blades while you puzzle out what it is that we are fighting?


commodore_jln June 3 2007, 00:59:28 UTC
*brings up his blade to counter Jack's strike, but is not quite in time- the sword slices through his jacket and draws blood. He hisses in pain and irritation and doubles his attack*

You expect me to give up, Sparrow? Hah. If you wish to flee, by all means do so, but you shall be pursued, so it may well be pointless. And if you think to weasel your way out of a thrashing with clever words, think again! I know enough to know why I fight- what about yourself?


captjacksparrow June 3 2007, 01:08:53 UTC
*frowns a bit that he drew blood because he really didn't mean to wound Norrington -- not yet at least; but speeds up his defence as the attacks come at a quicker rate, almost too quick for Jack to keep up with*

I wouldn't be of the mind to presume then that this can go much farther if you plan on pursuing me clear cross the Caribbean. I'd say it's nigh on time we part ways again, Commodore, if you're to be as knowledgable about your reasoning and motivations as is.

*begins to lead them around to a darken part of the port where he can make an escape if need be in the next few moments*


commodore_jln June 3 2007, 01:13:56 UTC
We shall see about that, Sparrow.

*avidly pursues Jack, sword flashing triumphantly as he sees the pirate's difficulty in keeping up with his superior height and training*

But how will you manage a parting of our respective ways, I wonder, when I have you chained up in the brig of the Dauntless? Chains do tend to have that effect.


captjacksparrow June 3 2007, 01:22:38 UTC
Aye, that they do. But there'd be a slight problem in you're plan, mate.

*gathers all his strength and shoves with all his weigh against Norrington's blows, giving him just the right amount of time to back away*

You'll have to put me there first.

*flees flailingly down a dock and ducks behind one of the large cargo loads in the shadows*


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