Friday Free For All --

Nov 13, 2009 06:10

Happy Friday everyone!

You know what friday means! It's free for all day. Any pairing, fandom, any anything.

Crazy crack, hot steamy threesomes, complete au, playful pranks, parties, fights, fight sex, dreams, bars, board rooms, restaurants, motel rooms, daydreams, falling down, getting up, werewolves, vampires, witches, costumes, name it, it goes here!

Please to be remembering the rules. No more than five prompts in a row (give others a chance to prompt too), no more than 3 per fandom. You can always come back and prompt more after yours have been answered.

Please remember to be kind to you code monkeys (who work hard at a job that is time consuming) and code your prompts properly (fandom, pairing, prompt).


Supernatural, Sam/Dean, fleas
Numb3rs, Charlie/Colby, sweet and sour

SGA/Leverage, Ronon/Eliot, "who's side are you on?"

As always, if nothing here strikes your fancy, head on over to the delicious archives and find you something yummy to chew on.

Have fun
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