Monday: Song Lyrics

Aug 10, 2009 09:26

Good morning, all! I'm pipisafoat, here to host your week of fic.

I'm going to start off my week with a pretty easy theme: song lyrics. Pick a song you like (if you can provide a link to it on YouTube or to the lyrics, that would be extremely helpful). We can have a song!fic, a fic based off the ideas or themes or even just the title of the song, or a fic that includes certain lyrics - be sure to quote those if you have some in mind with your prompt. Everyone has a song they associate with a favorite pairing or character, so trot it out!

Remember: No more than five prompts in a row, no more than three per fandom per prompter. You can always come back later and add more once yours have been answered. Be aware of SPOILERS! Please, please, please put a spoiler alert and at least three spaces.

Don't forget to format your prompts correctly:
NCIS, Gibbs, The Downward Spiral (Nine Inch Nails)
In Plain Sight, Mary/Marshall, Opheliac (Emilie Autumn) - "You know the games I play and the words I say when I want my own way"
Firefly/author's choice, author's choice, Airship Pirates (Abney Park)

Have at! And if nothing here strikes your fancy, be sure to check out the Lonely Prompts.

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