Thursday: Costumes

Jul 23, 2009 09:03

Happy Thursday! This is Cruise Director maab_connor here on the last day of our tour together. I've had an awesome time this week and I hope you all have too.

To wrap things up, I thought we'd have a little extra fun today and dress 'em up! That's right, today's theme is Costumes! Dress up your favorite characters for work or play!

And of course, our usual rules apply:

No spoilers in your prompts until at least a week after air date - and please remember the UK - US lag time for BBC (we're only just getting Torchwood this week over here and Dr Who on Sat.).

If you're response includes spoilers, you must warn in bold and leave at least 3 spaces.

Don't leave more than 5 prompts in a row, and no more than 3 per fandom at a time. If someone responds to your prompt, you can prompt again.

Please remember to make life easier for our lovely code monkeys by writing your prompts as fandom, pairing/pairing, prompt. or fandom/fandom, pairing/pairing, prompt for crossovers. Like this:

Leverage, Sophie/Parker, her first wig

Harry Potter, Harry/Draco, Vicars and Tarts

XMen/Leverage, Wolverine/Mutant!Eliot, Leather Ball

If you don't see anything today that strikes your fancy, take your own trip on over to Lonely Prompts and take a look around, there are plenty of strays that need a good home and some are even paper trained.

Now go forth and prompt and have fun!

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