Requests for Volunteers: Counting, Coding, and Graphics + Contest Reminder

Jul 02, 2009 21:40

Hey guys! There's a few things we need some help with, and I'm really hoping some of you can help us out...

But first - this is a reminder: Contest submissions will be due tomorrow (Friday) night by 11:59 PM PST.

Please remember to format your submissions properly and leave them in one comment here. (Or comment to yourself if necessary.) There's only 27 comments right now, and while that is an amazing number of answered prompts right now, I don't want to see anyone left out! Don't be discouraged by seeing how many anyone else has written - remember that we've got other awards in mind. So if you've written prompts that can be applied to the contest, please submit them!

Regular contest counting:

We've got a group of people that are going to be helping us out with the quarterly contest, but we were hoping for a couple more people to volunteer to help us count the regular Lonely Prompt contests. That way it doesn't fall on the shoulders of just one person, there's back up if they need it and they can work in rotations.

If you want to volunteer, you need to be dependable and trustworthy. You'll be expected to do data entry on excel (or equivalent) spreadsheets in a timely manner so that amara_m and I can determine which prizes we want to award and notify our graphics monkey.

To volunteer: Please comment or PM me or amara_m with your email address so that we can give you further details.

Wednesday Lonely Prompt Coding:

Another one of my hard working monkeys is having to step down, so I need someone to sort through a set number of Lonely Prompt indexes every Wednesday looking for completed prompts. This is easy, but time consuming. Some knowledge of HTML is preferred.

As a note, I'm currently looking into an alternate method for archiving prompts. If you volunteer, it's quite possible that the method of coding and sorting will change in the next couple of weeks.

To volunteer: Please comment or PM me (just me this time) with your email address. I coordinate all the code monkeys via email, so this is necessary.
ETA: I've got this part covered now!

Promotional graphics:

It's come up lately that certain people are feeling their fandoms are under-represented. It has always been a rule here that anyone can prompt, and anyone can answer. What shows up most often will be the fandoms that people will prompt and write for.

The only way to help with this for smaller groups is to pimp out the community as much as possible. If you look at our promo page, you'll find some fun and gorgeous generic promo banners as well as a few multi fandom ones as well as the bigger fandoms.

But I'm putting out a call for people to make graphics with smaller fandoms in mind.

Have you got a fandom you want to see get promoted, but aren't any good with graphics? Leave a comment here with the fandoms and characters you like best. Are there images that you think will be helpful? Leave us a link (not the picture itself, please).

Have you been looking for a way to help out with the comm, but haven't got a lot of time to devote to guest hosting or coding, and you like playing with graphics? Take a peek at our promo page and our indexes and put some stuff together for what hasn't been represented yet. Don't forget to check back here for people's requests and photo suggestions!

Graphics can be any size up to 500 x 300, landscape, and should include "comment_fic" somewhere on the banner. If it's a larger graphic, you can also include "Bite Sized Bits of Fic" and/or "New prompts daily to whet your appetite!" at your discretion.

If you're interested in making a header for a smaller fandom, it needs to be 950 x 400. Do not include "comment_fic" but please do include both "Bite Sized Bits of Fic" and "New prompts daily to whet your appetite!". Headers can be sensual, but they must be tasteful.

Please PM me with the URL to your artwork. All artwork will be reviewed by the mods before being added to the promo page or the FTP server for rotation with the headers. All credit will be noted at the promo page for banners, and on the comm's user info for headers.

Alright guys, I think that's everything. Please give us a helping hand! We want to make sure everything runs smoothly, and that everyone has fun.

I now return you to your regularly scheduled Thursday. :)

!mod post, !promote us

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