
Apr 11, 2011 00:09

Hi, y'all, I am tigriswolf and today is lies: little white lies, gigantic whoppers, lies for the good of someone else or to further one's own ends, canon lies or lies you wish someone had told...

Please don’t forget to remember following the rules!
+ No more than five prompts in a row
+ No more than three prompts from a fandom
+ No spoilers until a week after publication/air-date
+ If your prompt is filled then feel free to leave another.

Please use the following format to make things easier for our codemonkeys:

NCIS, Tony&author's choice (no Tiva), the best liar is he who makes the smallest amount of lying go the longest way

Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Xander&Angel, three words he said once
If none of today's prompts appeal to you, check out the Lonely Prompts.

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