Good Morning, afternoon or what time it is for you. I’m
sagaluthien, and is your guest host for this week. It will be great to do it again.
My second theme will be Winter. In the hope for some of us it is for say good bye to it and for the other half greeting the season. Matter what for you it is to set your choose of fandom and characters into the season.
Please don’t forget to remember following the rules!
+ No more than five prompts in a row
+ No more than three prompts from a fandom
+ No spoilers until a week after publication/air-date
+ If your prompt is filled then feel free to leave another.
Please use the following format to make things easier for our codemonkeys (second set is for crossovers):
Supernatural, Dean/Sam, icy roads
Twilight, Jacob/Bella, snow angels
SPN/Gilmore Girls, Dean/Dean Forester, hot chocolate spiked with scotch
Author’s choice/Avatar (2009), Author’s choice, different world, different season