Thursday - Parents

Mar 10, 2011 02:54

Happy Thursday everyone! I'm back with this week's final prompt: Parents. Love them, hate them, parents are...parents. And today's theme is dedicated to them.

Here's a quick reminder of the rules:
- Only 3 prompts in one fandom.
- Only 5 prompts in a row (but if one of your prompts is filled, feel free to prompt again)
- No spoilers in your prompts for at least a week after the airdate/release.
- Warn for any spoilers in your fic using BOLD text and leave at least three spaces before the text.

And to keep our codemonkeys sane and happy, please remember:
- Prompts and the inspired fics are to be comment sized. If the prompt is too long, it's hard to record properly in the archive. Also, long and detailed prompts usually lead to long and detailed fics. If you get inspired to write something longer, that's ok, please just post a snippet in response to the prompt and a link to where we can find the rest of the fic.

- Adhere to the proper prompt formatting. For example:
Leverage, Eliot/Hardison, Eliot tries to hide the panic he feels when Alec takes him home to meet his Nana.

Hawaii Five-O, Steve/Danny, Grace has Danny, Rachel, and Step-Stan. Steve can't help but wonder where he fits in.

Hawaii Five-O, Steve/Danny + Grace, Danny always knew this day would come, and he'd promised he wouldn't freak out. Too bad Steve didn't make that promise.

However, if none of the prompts you see today strike your fancy, hop on over to take a look at the Lonely Prompts and see if anything there catches your eye.

It has been a great joy hosting this week. I've had fun and I hope you have too. I look forward to possibly doing this again in the future. Until then, happy prompting!

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