Wednesday: Redemption

Dec 29, 2010 09:04

Hello, all! I'm still saavikam77, and I'm still your guest host for the last week of 2010.

Today's theme is Redemption. Whether your hero/heroine is a former baddie, an anti-hero, or has just made mistakes, everyone could use a little forgiveness, acceptance, and the chance to make things right.

Remember the rules:
*Three prompts per fandom, and no more than five total. If one of your prompts is filled, you may post another.
*No spoilers for new shows/seasons until at least one week after airing.
*If your fill contains spoilers, please warn accordingly and leave enough space for people to pass by.

Please think of our hardworking codemonkeys, and use the following formula for your prompts:
*Supernatural, Gabriel + Team Free Will, He wasn't about to let Lucifer win, not after that speech in the warehouse.
*Superman Returns, Kitty Kowalski, Dumping the crystals wouldn't undo what Lex did, but at least her conscience would be clear.
*DCU, Jason Todd/Tim Drake, From Tim's perspective, Jason was redeemed the second he saved Tim's life.

Or, if nothing here catches your eye, you can always peruse the lonely prompts.

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