Oct 29, 2010 13:06
Greetings lovlies! It's Friday and time for imaginations to drop all inhibitions and do whatever they want. So go forth and prompt! Just remember the rules:
*No more than three prompts from one fandom at a time.
*No more than five prompts in a row
*No spoilers in you prompts until one week after publication/airdate.
*If one prompt gets answered you can leave a new one.
And some examples on formatting so make life a little bit easier on our darling codemonkeys:
Stargate Universe, Telford/Young, It's easier to carry if you share.
Castle, Esposito/Ryan, I'll catch you (won't ever leave)
Leverage/Burn Notice, Eliot Spencer/Michael Westen, How did we end up here again?
Firefly/X-men, Jayne/Jean Grey, Don't touch the fire or you might burn
Most of all, remember to have fun!