Wednesday - Music Video Day!

Oct 27, 2010 12:01

I do like Wednesdays. I especially like this Wednesday because today it's MUSIC VIDEO INSPIRED DAY!

What does that mean? It's simple...and so much fun! Find an official music video for a song on Youtube or anywhere else you can think of and leave the link as your prompt. It might also be helpful to leave the name of the song and artist as well, as not all online videos are avaliable to people outside of the US. Lame, but true.

You might, for example, choose the video for 'Teenagers' by My Chemical Romance. Zombie cheerleaders in gasmasks? Fun! What about that old goodie, A-Ha's 'Take on Me'? Cool! Katy Perry, Placebo, HIM...they all have awesome videos for their songs.

Oh, and if anyone needs to know the code for putting a link in, it's this...without the spaces (except, of course, for between 'a' and 'href'. There's a space there) -

< a href = "website address"> your text here < / a >

PLEASE DO NOT EMBED YOUR VIDEOS. Just leave a link and the song/artist.

So let your mind run riot...but remember, there's still those very important rules!
- No more than five prompts in a row, and no more than three per fandom. Remember, as soon as someone takes on one of your prompts, you can post another.
- No spoilers in your prompts for at least seven days after first air-date/release date; if there are spoilers in your fic, warn in bold in the subject line and leave at least three spaces.
- And please, please be kind to our codemonkeys because their job's difficult enough as is, and format your prompts correctly, like so:

Fandom, Pairing, Prompt

Design for Living, Otto/Leo/Gilda, What About Us? by John Barrowman


Fandom 1/Fandom 2, Character 1/Character 2, Prompt

Marvel/Angel, Remy/Lindsey, Dr Jones by Aqua

Happy prompting!

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