Good morning, y'all! My name is
jlsigman, and I was your guest hostess for the week. I hope y'all enjoyed my prompts.
Today's prompt is: frequently asked questions. Those annoying things that gets asked ALL THE FREAKING TIME.
As always, please keep the following few rules in mind:
- No more than five prompts in a row, and no more than three per fandom. Remember, as soon as someone takes on one of your prompts, you can pop another.
- No spoilers in your prompts for at least seven days after air; if there are spoilers in your fic, warn in bold in the subject line and leave at least three spaces.
- As a former codeslinger, I beg you to please do be kind to our codemonkeys and format your prompts correctly, like so:
Devil May Cry, Dante or Nero, "How do you dye your hair?"