Wednesday: Episode Titles

Sep 15, 2010 11:36

"Homecoming". "Amok Time". "The Monster at the End of This Book". "The Devil You Know". "The Enemy Within". And hundreds of others to choose from.

That's right, today's theme is episode titles!

Just keep the rules in mind:
  • No more than three prompts for the same fandom.
  • No more than five prompts in a row.
  • If one of your prompts is filled, you can prompt again.
  • No spoilers in your prompts for at least a week after the airdate/release.
  • Warn for any spoilers for your fic in bold and leave at least three spaces before the text.

And don't forget to save our code monkeys some grief - follow the format!

For a single fandom:
The Big Bang Theory, Sheldon, "Spock's Brain" (Star Trek: TOS)
Supernatural, Sam & Dean, "Ghost in the Machine" (Stargate Atlantis)

For a crossover:
Psych/The Mentalist, Shawn/Jane, "Psy vs Psy" (Psych)

None of these prompts catch your eye? Don't forget about our Lonely Prompts!

tag = episodetitles
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