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Comments 318

ravensword February 28 2009, 14:07:15 UTC
SG1, Jack/Daniel, freedom


morgan_cian May 7 2009, 14:02:26 UTC
The best thing about going off-world to known planets was the freedom. It was a simple follow up to an allied world, just SG-1, no marines and a check in scheduled for forty eight hours.

"You two go on," Sam smiled, "We've got this."

They didn't protest. They found a secluded cave near the river that they had used in previous visits. He had Daniel naked and on a bed roll in minutes.

"Been too long," Daniel gasped as they thrust together. The first time was always fast and messy. Tightly controlled emotions and behavior unraveling.

Their come mixed and cooled on their bellies. The sated bliss on Daniel's face made it the routine visits worth it. Just to have the freedom to be themselves.

"C'mere." Jack relaxed in his lover's arms.


mornincamper May 9 2009, 17:56:43 UTC

sigh inducing!


antares04a May 10 2009, 20:26:35 UTC
That's an interesting way to "use" alien worlds. Good, that the rest of the team is so understanding.*g*


ravensword February 28 2009, 14:07:30 UTC
Criminal Minds/SGA, Morgan/Ronon, far, far away


Far, Far Away guiltyreasons April 8 2009, 03:18:22 UTC
(I have no idea how that turned into a 4000 word smut fest, but it did. So the Complete story is here at my journal, but just to get you interested here is a taste ( ... )


entropynchaos February 28 2009, 14:08:11 UTC
Leverage/Torchwood, Nate/Eliot/Ianto, efficiency should be rewarded


veristic February 28 2009, 14:09:30 UTC
SPN, Sam/Dean, salvation


Salvation (SPN; Sam/Dean; Salvation) hunters_retreat February 28 2009, 20:40:54 UTC
There was only one thing in the world that offered salvation at the end of the day. There was nothing else that made the world better or took away the guilt of what they sometimes did to good people. How could anything else make him forget what they saw happen, how they had to watch people’s families get torn apart?

But there was this. As sick and twisted as it was, as hard as he’d run from it, at some point he’d had to catch his breath and when he did, Dean was still there.

There was the slick slide and grind and hard muscles and impossibly soft lips that pressed against his in a strange combination of need and demand and gentleness that was always begging forgiveness, that always gave it without being asked.

For Sam, the only salvation in the world was his brother’s love and Dean was never slow to give it.


Re: Salvation (SPN; Sam/Dean; Salvation) hawk_dancing February 28 2009, 21:25:20 UTC
Ah lovely. Especially the part about Sam finally having to stop running and Dean was still there....


Re: Salvation (SPN; Sam/Dean; Salvation) hunters_retreat February 28 2009, 22:51:54 UTC
Thank you! I've always loved the idea of Sam running off to Stanford because of being in Dean's shadow, like he could never become his own person until he left, his own identity was too tied up in Dean, sexuality as well. So yeah... this is what happens :P LOL!

Glad you liked it!


entropynchaos February 28 2009, 14:10:31 UTC
Leverage/Criminal Minds, Eliot/Reid, flexible

WTF LJ? Stop eating my comments! -_-


hawk_dancing February 28 2009, 15:56:02 UTC
::Blink:: Oh. My.


ravensword February 28 2009, 17:11:17 UTC
Eliot Spencer was never the guy that Spencer Reid went to for help. Eliot just sort of showed up when Spencer needed help.

And at the time, Spencer needed help.

He hasn't seen Eliot in ages, not since high school graduation, not since the last time Eliot had...helped. And Spencer knows that Eliot isn't exactly a good guy. Is actually a criminal...and being that Spencer is in the FBI, that really should matter...but here they are and Spencer can't really think much beyond relief and joy and holymotherofgodyes as Eliot's eyes meet his and that eyebrow raises and his whole body flushes just the way it used to ( ... )


havenward February 28 2009, 17:22:21 UTC
:hums appreciatively:

I watch just enough CM to get this :D


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