Free For All Firday

Jul 16, 2010 06:04

Good Morning Comment Fic Folk!

Today is Friday, so that means it's Free For All Day! And fandom, any pairing, any prompt.

Go wild!

But remember the rules so everyone gets a chance to play. 3 prompts per fandom, no more than 5 in a row. Come on back to prompt more once some of yours have been answered. No spoilers in the prompt itself for at least a week after air/publish date. If your fic has spoilers, please warn boldly and leave at least three spaces before your fic starts.

Please format your prompts correctly for our hard working code monkeys.


RPS, Jeffrey Dean Morgan/Christian Kane, Power Plays
Supernatural, Sam/Dean, what are you, five?


Justified/Leverage, Raylan/Eliot, whiskey, women, work

Go forth and fic!
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