Tuesdays: AUs

May 25, 2010 02:15

Hi, beth_soprano again!

Today's theme is AU! What ifs, genderswaps, alternate universes, anything goes!


You can leave up to five prompts, with no more than three prompts per fandom. If your prompt is filled, you can leave another prompt.

No spoilers in your prompts until a week after the original material has been released. If your fic contains spoilers, leave a warning in bold and three spaces at the top of your comment.

Please format your prompt correctly! (Our code monkeys like their sanity :D)

Format examples:
Alice (SyFy), Alice & Hatter, they didn't leave Wonderland
Doctor Who, Eleven & Amy, Eleven is a girl
Sanctuary/Primeval, Declan & Abby, zoo!au

Don't forget to check out the lonely prompts if none of today's prompts catch your eyes.

Have fun!

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