Dienstag - Numbers

Apr 06, 2010 08:33

Hi I'm i_lovejs, your host this week and I'm really sorry for all the problems I caused yesterday. I had a few problems with lj.
Let's start with the theme 'numbers'. Is the number 13 really bad luck? Is your character only interested in money or is he just not able to remember the telephone number this cute waitress gave him?

Please remember the following rules:

Please post only 3 prompts per fandom and only up to 5 prompts in a row. As soon as one of your prompts has been answered, you can prompt anew.

No spoilers in prompts for at least seven days after the original airdate or publication date. If you have spoilers in your fic, please warn in bold and leave at least three spaces.

Please be kind to the codemonkeys and use the following format:

X-Men, Pyro/Iceman, number one with a bullet

Merlin/Supernatural, Dean&Arthur, a thousand years from here

If you don't find something, please fell free to check out our Lonely Prompts.


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