The weekend is almost done, but stave off the Monday blues a little longer with our last Special Free For All. All fandoms, pairings, and prompts will be accepted today. So let's see what mischief (or innocence) we can get into.
Just please remember to follow the usual rules.
No more than 5 prompts in a row, no more than 3 prompts per fandom. If a prompt has been answered you can prompt again.
No spoilers in you prompts until at least 1 week after original air/publication date. If there's spoilers in the story, you must warn in bold and leave at least 3 spaces.
For the sanity of your volunteer code monkeys, please remember to format your prompts properly. For example:
RPS, Lee Pace/Allison Haislip, the wall totally makes up for the height difference
Chuck/White Collar, Neal/Peter + Bryce/Chuck, wherein Neal and Bryce are twins and Kate and Sarah are confused
And of course, if you can't find something to inspire a little writing, check out our
lonely prompts.
And actually, speaking of lonely prompts, I still need a sorter for Fridays. If you're interested in volunteering, do not respond to this post. Please PM me with your email address for further details.
Alright, let's see what you've got!