
Mar 24, 2010 00:07

Hi everyone! chloegdgc is back again! :D

Your theme for today is bindings. In other words, things you use to attach someone to something or someone else, including (but not limited to) handcuffs, rope, chains, duct tape, ribbons etc. etc. My original idea had been handcuffs, but why limit yourselves?

No more than 5 prompts in a row, 3 prompts per fandom. If someone answers your prompt, feel free to leave more.

No spoilers in your prompt for up to 1 week from the original air/publication date. If there's spoilers in the fic, please warn in bold and leave up to 3 spaces.

Format your prompts properly so as to be kind to the codemonkeys.

Fandom, Pairing/Character, prompt

X-Men, Remy/John, handcuffed to the headboard

Cross overs:

Fandom/Fandom, Pairing/Character, prompt

X-Men/White Collar, Neal and Remy, who can pick the handcuffs the fastest?

Have fun!

Nothing tickling your fancy here? Check out the lonely prompts!

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