Wednesday - Monsters

Dec 30, 2009 03:00

Goodmorning/Evening my friends, momma_66 still bringing you themes. Today let us explore the darker side of nature, those things that go bump in the night or that boogeyman in the closet. Monsters be the theme today.

Remember the rules.

No more than five prompts in a row and no more than three prompts per fandom. You can prompt again when yours are answered.

No spoilers in your prompts for at least a week after the original airdate. If your fic contains spoilers please warn in bold and leave at least three spaces.

For the sake of the wonderful codemonkies format the prompts correctly.


Star Trek (any series), any, Vampires in space

BtVS/author's choice, any, "Have you ever seen what comes out of a Hellmouth? This? Not so scary."

If nothing catches your eye here you can always take a trip to the lovely Lonely Prompts.

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