Monday - Hurt/Comfort

Nov 30, 2009 09:07

Hi, everyone! I'm milleniumrex, and I'll be your guest host this week!

Let's start off with a classic. Your prompt for today is Hurt/Comfort.

It's Monday, which means we're probably all in the mood for some healing cuddles. Take your favorite character, put them in a bad spot, be it physically or emotionally, and then put them back together (possibly with the help of a significant other).

As always, remember the rules of the comm:

■ Don’t prompt more than 5 prompts in a row or 3 prompts per fandom. When someone has answered your prompt, you can prompt again.

■ No spoilers in your prompt until at least 1 week after the original airing or publication date. If there are spoilers in your fic, you must warn in bold and leave at least 3 spaces.

■ Thank your fic providers they thrive on feedback.

■ For the sake of the code monkeys’ sanity remember to format your prompts correctly.

Formatting examples:

DC Universe, Cassie Sandsmark/Kara Zor-El, "Stupid kryptonite."
DC Universe, Tim Drake/Cissie King-Jones, patrol injuries.
Marvel Comics, Kate Bishop/Cassie Lang, healing process.

None of today's prompts interest you? Make someone’s day and answer one of the myriad of Lonely Prompts.

Have fun!

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