Friday Free for All

Nov 27, 2009 00:11

Happy Friday everyone ( Read more... )

prompts: free for all

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Comments 427

lustmordred November 27 2009, 08:18:10 UTC
The Covenant, Caleb/Chase, a kiss before dying


samueljames November 27 2009, 08:18:40 UTC
The Big Bang Theory, Sheldon, working on smalltalk.


Small Talk entangled_now November 27 2009, 11:02:48 UTC
"Say something about the weather," Penny says firmly ( ... )


Re: Small Talk samueljames November 27 2009, 11:54:10 UTC
Thanks so much for this. Sheldon is spot on and I could believe him being annoyed when Penny doesn't appreciate his efforts. Leonard as the mediator was perfect, trying to help but diffusing the tension. I really liked it.


Re: Small Talk entangled_now November 27 2009, 14:36:53 UTC
Thank you very much, I'm so glad you thought Sheldon worked, he's fun to write, if slightly terrifying :D


kijikun November 27 2009, 08:18:50 UTC
Supernatural, Gabriel/Sam, first time


Demonstrations entangled_now November 28 2009, 08:56:25 UTC
Gabriel's sprawled out on the other side of the table when Sam gets back to his room. He's found beer from somewhere, or made it? Or stole it? Sam's still not entirely sure how that works. When he sits down the angel slides one across the table, air drifting out of the top of the bottle.

"Where's Dean?" he asks, because he hasn't seen him since he took his bags out of the car.

The corner of Gabriel's mouth curls up.

"Let's just say your brother and my brother are taking care of all that post-battle adrenaline."

It takes a Sam a second to get that.

Oh."Really ( ... )


Re: Demonstrations spilled_notes November 28 2009, 09:01:16 UTC



Re: Demonstrations entangled_now November 28 2009, 09:13:40 UTC

I love it when Sam learns valuable life lessons. Also, when Gabriel misbehaves XD


lustmordred November 27 2009, 08:19:27 UTC
Supernatural, Sam/Castiel, good night


calembours November 28 2009, 00:11:23 UTC
"He sleeps better when you're around," Sam mumbles, recognizing the shape seated at the foot of Dean's bed. "Even though he tells you to stop hovering when he sleeps ( ... )


spilled_notes November 28 2009, 01:49:54 UTC
Awwww. ♥ I love this. It sort of made me sleepy. I don't mean that as an insult, LOL, I just mean that it was so warm and fluid that I feel at ease. :)

I also giggled at your icon.


lustmordred November 28 2009, 03:55:24 UTC
Aww, that's cute, but also a little angsty. I like the implication that the brothers have a guardian angel. It's sad, but also endearing and *smishes Castiel*


kijikun November 27 2009, 08:20:30 UTC
Supernatural, Dean/Castiel or Gabriel/Sam, when an angel takes a mate.


(The comment has been removed)

Re: Part Two kijikun December 16 2009, 16:58:10 UTC
I think I love you. <3 That was awesome and hot.


Re: Part Two momma_66 December 18 2009, 13:46:49 UTC
That was...guh!! And majormajormajor brownie points for 'pon farr' like seriously!


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