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Comments 42

enablelove June 20 2011, 18:33:51 UTC
Jensen is sweating bullets and wants to propose to Danneel. Jared helps calm him down by being the bff that he is.


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Crossword This 1/2 cherry916 June 21 2011, 12:49:15 UTC
Ok I wrote it took the liberty and made it AU and it's not that long but I hope you like it ( ... )


Re: Crossword This 2/2 cherry916 June 21 2011, 12:51:16 UTC
Risking opening his eyes he noticed Jared was doing one of those stupid crossword puzzles again. It didn’t matter if the kid graduated college for engineering or if he competed in math competitions or was valedictorian in high school, Jared and words just weren’t a great mix.

But you are Jensen silently thought. If you don’t ace this interview it’ll be like Jared not acing a math exam; it just didn’t happen.

“I don’t understand this one.” Jared chewed on the end of his pencil-something that drove Jensen insane-and scratched his head in thought. For a second Jared looked like his dogs which almost made him laugh if his stomach wasn’t in turmoil of this interview. “Well what is it?”

“A 6 letter word for smart, strong, capable?”

Jensen closed his eyes and thought for a second. It usually helped him think, but all these “what if” scenarios floating around in his head were making his thoughts jumbled.

“Are there any letters?” Jensen asked.


“Damn…um?” Smart, strong, capable come on he should know this he didn’t get his ( ... )


Re: Crossword This 2/2 moviegeek03 June 21 2011, 13:29:36 UTC
So sweet/cute lol. I love the crossword idea you had. It made this absolutely adorable hun!


ladytiferet June 20 2011, 22:25:27 UTC
Even though Jared is stupidly in love with his best friend, he won't do anything to endanger their friendship. Yeah, he'll help him move out and let him stay in his apartment after Jen's latest disastrous relationship and buy him ice cream afterwards. He'll give him advice on what to wear. Hell, he'll even be his wingman in a gay club. He won't however, let any jerk hurt Jensen again (cue extremely loyal and protective Jay).


strgazr04 June 21 2011, 00:32:43 UTC
The story behind the s1 bar fight where Jensen got himself free from the group of guys but went back in when he saw Jared stuck in the fray.


strgazr04 June 21 2011, 00:34:23 UTC
Jared getting down on himself due to bad reviews or fan reaction (like that fan at chicon who asked jared about PETA) and Jensen comforting him like a big brother would.


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