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Comments 66

enablelove March 1 2011, 13:36:26 UTC
Jensen just wants to go home and cuddle up with Jared after a long day. Not a freaking SURPRISE party.


forelyse March 1 2011, 21:43:26 UTC
Jensen trudged wearily down the walk and entered through the front door. His shoes were kicked off immediately to land somewhere against the wall with soft thuds. His jacket dropped to the floor at his feet before the door had even finished closing ( ... )


Forgot a title...um... "Surprise!" forelyse March 1 2011, 21:44:01 UTC
He lay in an awkward pile of limbs, breathing heavily and clutching the carpet as what seemed like every person he’d ever met stood over him and laughed. More came pouring in from the main hall and out of closets. Someone, somewhere, had turned on a stereo that was playing a rousing, obnoxious, chipmunk version of “Happy Birthday ( ... )


Re: Forgot a title...um... "Surprise!" big_heart_june March 1 2011, 22:18:48 UTC
EEEEEEEEEEEEEE! *grins* this is SO GOOD! Poor Jensen! :P


dawnstarrising March 1 2011, 13:41:23 UTC
Jensen takes his son to his school friends birthday party, there he meets the birthday boys dad, who is Jared. The J's hit it off.


Filled - 1/2 the_rant_girl March 2 2011, 02:21:00 UTC
ummm I can't really explain, there was some deviation somewhere, heh I hope it's ok...“Jensen. Sweetie. Stop fidgeting!” are the words that leave Danneel’s mouth as they approach the door, said with the utmost affection as she delivers a smack to the back of his head. The guy just cannot stop tugging at his shirt, or fussing with his hair ( ... )


Filled - 2/2 the_rant_girl March 2 2011, 02:22:04 UTC
“Who brought them?” Jensen asks with an arched brow.

“Hey I made them, you just did the carrying, so there,” and she sticks her tongue out at him, swiping the tub from him to set down on the kitchen counter, and Jensen holds out the gift to Jared, “So where’s the cake?”

“In the dining room. I just finished with the frosting so-”

“Wait, you made the cake? You can bake?” Danneel asks as Jared takes the present from Jensen into the other room.

Jared calling out over his shoulder, “Yeah, it’s kind of a hobby of mine.”

Danneel slaps Jensen across the chest, mouthing, “He bakes,” before Jared re-enters the room.

“So how long have you two been together?” Jared asks in what could maybe pass as casual to the untrained eye, but there was no missing that twinge of sadness.

“How long have-...” she looks over at Jensen and then back to Jared, “me and him?” and then she bursts out laughing ( ... )


Re: Filled - 2/2 forelyse March 2 2011, 02:40:34 UTC
I'm with Danneel! XD The instant attraction/kissing was cute!


dugindeep March 1 2011, 13:43:41 UTC
Jared's forgotten Jensen's birthday until he comes home late from work. He does whatever he can with what he's got in his apartment to make it up to him.


Filled - 1/2 the_rant_girl March 6 2011, 18:20:44 UTC
hey, sorry for the lateness, and well it's not exactly what you asked for, but I hope you like itEver since Jared came into Jensen’s life, he’s looked to his birthday with what he liked to think of as mild trepidation. Jensen absolutely hates surprises. Had done since he was a little boy. He can’t even fully remember why, but what he does know is it was a) so horrific that he blocked it out, and b) his big brother was somehow involved, but no one would give him details, and he was pretty sure he was better off not knowing. But Jared? Jared loves surprises. His face lights up like the 4th of July whenever he dreams one up, and Jensen did not want to be the person to swipe that goofy grin off his boyfriend’s face. The hurt puppy look makes him feel like...well like he just killed a bunch of puppies. So he’s resigned himself to enduring Jared’s “surprise” parties, they only happen once a year ( ... )


Filled - 2/2 the_rant_girl March 6 2011, 18:21:07 UTC
Jensen stops. Staring down at the candle in Jared’s hand and then to the half eaten coffee cake, his eyes narrowing slightly as he looks up into Jared’s face “Jen, I’m so sorry, I don’t even...I didn’t mean to-...” he sighed rather dejectedly, looking down at the counter, his voice dropping to somewhere barely above a whisper, “I’m sorry.”

Jensen’s gaze softened then seeing how visibly upset Jared was at having forgotten, but he wasn’t giving up his resolve that easily, “And?”

Jared’s head snapped up, “And?” he repeated, blinking in confusion before he caught the small smile on Jensen’s lips, “And I’m totally going to make it up to you.”

“Starting now?” Jensen asked, holding out the other candle towards Jared, who promptly stuck it into the cake.

“Starting now,” Jared nodded, picking up the matches, he struck one against the side of the pack, the flame crackling to life, “Happy Birthday Jensen.”


Re: Filled - 2/2 dugindeep March 6 2011, 18:57:47 UTC
Dawwwww! I love how Jensen hands him the other candle! So cute! Thank you so much for filling this <333


dawnstarrising March 1 2011, 13:43:49 UTC
Jensen sitting at a bar alone as people forgot his birthday. Jared is someone that Jensen works with and has a crush on. Jared finds Jensen at the bar and takes him out for a good time for his birthday.


kros_21 March 1 2011, 14:07:32 UTC
Jensen's birthday is almost over and Jared hasn't yet remembered about it. But Jared is just acting like he forgot and just when Jensen is about to give up all hopes.......


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