Friday Free For All

Aug 21, 2009 07:48

And here we are again, another Friday and another Free For All - Any fandom, any characters, any theme and any prompts... the only limitation is your imagination ( Read more... )

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honeyjojames August 21 2009, 14:20:56 UTC
Kane RPS, Chris/Steve & (OFC) Baby!Sarah, Disney movies


Kane RPS, Chris/Steve & (OFC) Baby!Sarah, Disney movies badfalcon January 27 2011, 17:12:57 UTC
this... is not what I set out to write... LOL

Christian said nothing, simply met Steve's hopeful gaze with one eyebrow quirked. He crossed his arms over his chest, trying to stop his lips curving up in amusement.

"Everyone loves The Lion King," Steve tried again. "Even you!"

"I never said I didn't. I just don't want this one growing up on a diet of Disney... there's better things she could be watching."

Steve snorted and, ignoring Christian's protests, popped the DVD in the player before sitting on the couch. Sarah slid onto his lap, kissing him on the cheek. "Do you know why your daddy really doesn't want us to watch The Lion King?" he asked her.

"No." Sarah shook her head, her eyes wide as she looked between Christian and Steve. "Papa, why doesn't Daddy want to watch the lions with us?"

Steve pressed a kiss to her dark curls. "Because he doesn't want us to see him cry when Mufasa dies."


Re: Kane RPS, Chris/Steve & (OFC) Baby!Sarah, Disney movies grifter617 January 27 2011, 17:18:36 UTC
Awwww! I love smishy!


Re: Kane RPS, Chris/Steve & (OFC) Baby!Sarah, Disney movies honeyjojames January 27 2011, 19:10:45 UTC
Awwwwwwwwwwww! Oh Chris, you don't have to be macho all the time, it's okay to cry at Disney movies! ♥
Thank you, Llama! That was perfect! *smishes*


Re: Kane RPS, Chris/Steve & (OFC) Baby!Sarah, Disney movies elebridith January 27 2011, 20:16:37 UTC
AWWWW! *loves*


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