Friday Free For All

Jul 10, 2009 07:58

And here we are again, another Friday and another Free For All - Any fandom, any characters, any theme and any prompts... the only limitation is your imagination ( Read more... )

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shannonrita July 10 2009, 22:35:12 UTC
RPS, Chris/Steve, Baby's stuffed bear (porn not required)


badfalcon October 1 2009, 09:48:18 UTC
“No. Steve that’s… that’s bigger than she’s gonna be… She’s not even been born yet… Yes, I’m sure she’s gonna be a she… I just know, trust me. We’ve been over this, darlin’,” Christian sighed, and rubbed a hand over his face; something told him that taking Steve shopping for baby things was… “Steve…” There was a warning tone in his voice. “We really don’t need it. How many have you already bought? Exactly. Plus you know everyone else is gonna buy her them too. Yes, her. Whatever, I’m just gonna sit down for a bit. I’m fine, I promise. Just… oh, that’s better. No, she really doesn’t need that many stuffed toys. Oh for… ok, ok you can buy it for her, anything for a quiet life!”


elebridith October 1 2009, 10:11:30 UTC
*giggles* Steve on a shopping spree! Oh, I can so picture that! With BigBabyBelly!Chris in tow. *grins like madly*
I love your fluff. Just sayin'. Exactly what I need for lunchbreak on a grey and rainy day in the office.


honeyjojames October 1 2009, 19:23:38 UTC
Hee! Shopping!Steve! You just know Chris is enjoying himself really!


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