Friday Free-For-All

Jul 03, 2009 08:34

TGIF, and that means... FREE FOR ALL!

Just please remember to show restraint with your prompts. No more than 3 per fandom per prompter, no more than 5 prompts in a row. And for the sake of our very diligent code monkeys, please format your prompts appropriately!

Leverage, Eliot/Nate, Big Bad Wolf

Criminal Minds/NCIS, Gibbs/Rossi, boats

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havenward July 3 2009, 16:33:07 UTC
Kane RPS, Chris/Steve, a good scritching is like a good orgasm (both leave you boneless)


Chris/Steve, a good scritching is like a good orgasm (both leave you boneless Kitty!Chris AU) badfalcon January 26 2011, 14:07:30 UTC
Steve laughed and leaned forward, burying his face in Christian's fur. He inhaled deeply, fingers still petting Christian who was sprawled out, boneless, lazy grin on his face, tail twitching and purring. Running his fingers along Christian's ear, he cupped Christian's face in his hands and kissed him deeply.

"Anyone would think you enjoyed that!" Steve teased, his own voice thick with desire. "Way you're sprawled out like that, you'd think you'd just been fucked senseless." Steve kissed Christian again. "Look like you just had the best orgasm of your life!"

Christian grinned against Steve's lips and pulled Steve tight against him; arms, legs and tail wrapping around Steve. He nuzzled into Steve's throat, kissing, licking, sucking and nibbling as he rolled his hips forward, letting Steve feel his hard cock. "How about you give me the best orgasm of my life," Christian suggested, "then you can compare the two properly."


Re: Chris/Steve, a good scritching is like a good orgasm (both leave you boneless Kitty!Chris AU) elebridith January 26 2011, 14:30:58 UTC
*purrs and meows*


Re: Chris/Steve, a good scritching is like a good orgasm (both leave you boneless Kitty!Chris AU) honeyjojames January 26 2011, 16:51:04 UTC
Mmmmmmmmmm, so pretty! ♥♥


Re: Chris/Steve, a good scritching is like a good orgasm (both leave you boneless Kitty!Chris AU) havenward January 26 2011, 21:17:37 UTC
Hee~ (yay writing!)


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