Friday Free For All

Jun 26, 2009 09:49

And here we are again, another Friday and another Free For All - Any fandom, any characters, any theme and any prompts... the only limitation is your imagination ( Read more... )

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charlies_dragon June 26 2009, 18:18:49 UTC
RPS; Christian Kane/Steve Carlson; baby's first [steps/words/tooth, whatever!]


Baby's first step badfalcon September 26 2010, 14:30:58 UTC
Steve leaned on the doorframe, content smile on his face; Christian was sitting on the couch and Sarah was playing on the floor.

As if sensing Steve, Christian looked up and grinned back it him. He held a hand out, a hand which Steve took and joined him on the couch, laughing, half on his lap and half next to him.

Steve's laughter made Sarah stop crawl, sit down and look up at them, a broad smile on her face. She crawled to their feet and used Christian's leg to pull herself upright, wobbling but not falling back down.

"She's getting good at that," Steve murmured.

"Uh-huh," Christian replied, distractedly, his eyes fixed on Sarah as she let go of his leg and took an unsteady step forward before losing her balance and falling back down to land on her bum, the shock making her cry.


Re: Baby's first step elebridith September 27 2010, 17:42:21 UTC
AWW!! *passes Sarah a cookie and a plush animal*


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