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badfalcon January 17 2009, 18:52:16 UTC
"Ok," Jeff agrees, drawing the word out as his gaze bores into Christian. "But you get one chance and one chance only. If you even think about playing with any of my..." he pauses, eyes dropping to Christian's cock, gaze remaining there long enough for Christian to whimper and fist his hands, his cock twitching under the scrutiny. "Toys," he continues, hand reaching out to stroke Christian once; Christian jerking forward with a groan. "Then everything stops. Understood?"

Christian whines with loss, a yelp tumbling from his lips at a hard slap to his balls. His cock is already aching, his nails digging into his palms and he's wondering if maybe he's in over his head. But all he says is:

"Yes sir."


havenward January 17 2009, 18:56:40 UTC
Damn woman...


honeyjojames January 17 2009, 18:59:39 UTC
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm *fans self*


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