Tuesday- Holidays

Dec 31, 2013 00:30

Hello and good morning everyone. I’m knowmefirst and today's theme is Holidays. Prompts can be anything that is related to the Holiday Season. So, lets celebrate them with those characters we love the most :D ( Read more... )

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evil_little_dog December 31 2013, 15:09:44 UTC
Burn Notice, Michael/Fi(+Sam+Jesse)+Charlie, First Christmas in Ireland


Fill: Michael/Fiona, Charlie merryghoul January 13 2014, 01:52:38 UTC
sorry I couldn't include Sam & Jesse, if that's okay


"Michael, where's the Guinness?"

Fiona was rolling out pie dough on the preparation table in their cottage.

"The beer?"

"Yes. On Christmas Eve you're supposed to give Santy a pint of Guinness."

Michael blinked. "I thought you were going to make cookies, Fi, and then you were going to serve them with a glass of milk. And when did you start calling Santa Claus 'Santy?'"

"I know some people do that around here, but that's not the local tradition. It's Guinness and a mince pie in Ireland, not the milk and cookies from America. And we call Santa Claus 'Santy' here."

"Why didn't you tell me this before?"

"I was hiding out from everyone that wanted me dead in the US. And before I was with you in Miami, we spent Christmas in Turkey. I think my well-being comes before a mince pie and Guinness."

"They don't recognize Christmas in Turkey."

"That's exactly my point. We didn't even have a Christmas when I was your asset. Now that we're free from everyone that wanted to ( ... )


Re: Fill: Michael/Fiona, Charlie evil_little_dog January 13 2014, 02:07:35 UTC
Thank you thank you thank you! This is very sweet. I love Fiona's Santy. I think I'd like him a lot.


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