Saturday: Free for All

May 19, 2012 01:00

Welcome to the weekend folks! This is your handy dandy local mod for the weekend, which makes today Saturday Free For All! All fandoms, characters, and prompt themes are welcome today.

But please be sure to observe our normal rules!ºNo spoilers in prompts. If your fill contains spoilers, please warn in bold and leave at least 3 spaces ( Read more... )

prompts: free for all

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scarlet_gryphon May 19 2012, 06:42:28 UTC
Supernatural, Sam, Even after all he and Dean have been through, even after finding out that God is supposedly MIA, Sam still prays.


fill rattyjol May 19 2012, 07:24:02 UTC
Roofs are good places for sitting, Gabriel thinks. They're open and give a good view, but no one ever thinks to look up.

The psychiatric hospital roof is a prime spot. Flat and wide, with a high ledge around the edges, and the door up is always kept carefully locked. It wouldn't do to let the crazies near the edge.

It's not perfect, though. Angelic supersenses have their downsides, and one of them is that he hears every scream from every patient, feels the dullness of every dose of thorazine, has to listen to every Dad-damn group session and one-on-one in the entire building.

He tunes out the background noise and focuses in on one room in particular.

Sam is muttering quietly, and for a moment Gabriel thinks he's speaking to a hallucination, again, but no, even an erstwhile angel would recognize the warm, powerful thrumming underlaying the words.

Prayer. For Christ's sake (and Gabriel's met the man more than once) he's praying. After all he's been through, after all he knows, the boy still has faith. It shakes Gabriel to the core ( ... )


Re: fill scarlet_gryphon May 19 2012, 08:19:29 UTC
*Squishes fic*

I love it! Thanks for using Gabriel; here's to hoping the rumors are true and he comes back next season. ^^


Re: fill rattyjol May 19 2012, 18:55:11 UTC
Rumors? What rumors? :DDDD


Re: fill scarlet_gryphon May 19 2012, 20:47:14 UTC
It's just hearsay so far, but given where the finale ended, it kind of makes sense: after all, where else would angels and/or Tricksters go after they die?


Re: fill mangacrack May 19 2012, 08:48:14 UTC
*squishes fic too*

I would so love to see this, Gabriel bringing God Sam's prayer


Re: fill enmuse May 19 2012, 15:28:55 UTC
(*_*)// So good. Headcanon accepted.


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