Monday - Blood

Jun 20, 2011 00:04

Howdy everyone! I’m jaune_chat and I’ll be your host for this week!

Today the theme will be Blood. Blood relations, vampires, blood and gore, blood red, blood transfusions, and whatever else you can think of to fit the theme ( Read more... )

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Fic: Stand Up & Bow - Criminal Minds, Reid + Morgan, PG (gen) nevcolleil December 10 2011, 22:11:54 UTC
There isn't much else he can do, so he makes jokes - ill-conceived and not very funny, but he's hardly a comedian and under the circumstances he thinks he can be forgiven. He's not aiming at making Reid laugh, anyhow - he just wants to keep Reid awake and speaking to him, so Derek says, "You're supposed to wear this stuff on the inside, kid."

"I- I never know... how to accessorize," Reid jokes back weakly.

Derek has to swallow, swallow hard to deal with that. Spencer Reid, all of twenty-seven years old, covered in his own blood and completely calm, humoring Derek and his corny jokes in order to keep them both distracted, is just about the most heartbreaking thing Derek's ever seen.

"Yeah, well, this accessory's kind of important, so pay attention," Derek says. He's got both his hands pressed to Reid's most severe wound (of course he does; it'd take a small army - or that fucking slow-assed paramedic - to get him to stop) but Reid's hands are there too. Beneath Derek's. Although, at this point, Derek really can't be sure if Reid is ( ... )


Re: Fic: Stand Up & Bow - Criminal Minds, Reid + Morgan, PG (gen) gypsydancergirl February 7 2012, 21:17:18 UTC
Thanks for the fill!


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