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badfalcon April 26 2009, 10:26:04 UTC
Stevie keeps the mouse in his pocket all day, giggling to himself as he feels it moving around. It doesn't run away though, stays with him, tail hanging out down his leg.

When he gets home and sits down on the couch, the mouse runs out of his pocket, little nose twitching in the same way Christian's does when he's somewhere new. Stevie crosses his legs and watches the mouse explore the couch, giggling when it runs across his lap and up to sit on his shoulder.

He stops giggling a couple of minutes later when his mom walks into the room, sees the mouse curled up on his shoulder and promptly screams. Very loudly. Causing the mouse run down his shirt and hide, trembling against his belly.


honeyjojames April 26 2009, 10:34:43 UTC


havenward April 26 2009, 12:44:16 UTC
Aw poor mouse.....


lorilann April 26 2009, 16:57:42 UTC


elebridith April 26 2009, 18:52:10 UTC
Poor mouse! Mouses... *facepalms* mice are sooo cute!!!


shannonrita April 27 2009, 00:34:26 UTC
Awww, poor skeered mousie!!!


kasmodia April 27 2009, 18:21:11 UTC
You are the queen of "awwww!" *bows and cries a little because she's got no mouse"


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