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shannonrita February 28 2009, 00:28:55 UTC
rps, any!feline!chris/any!stevie, "Okay, maybe water isn't so bad after all....*purrs*"


badfalcon September 13 2009, 10:44:03 UTC
"In the... shower?" Christian tipped his head to the side and narrowed his eyes at Steve. He flattened his ears against his head in displeasure. "The shower?" He repeated, a slight hiss to the words ( ... )


badfalcon September 13 2009, 10:44:25 UTC
"Steve..." He trailed off with a whimper as Steve started to kiss and nuzzle along his jaw before his lips trailed down his throat; kissing, licking, nuzzling then biting down on the juncture of neck and shoulder. His lips parting, mewls and pleas escaping even as he purred loudly. Christian bared his throat in submission, groaning as Steve bit down, marking him. Another low whine came from Christian and he bucked and jerked, humping wildly against Steve ( ... )


cyphersushi September 13 2009, 10:53:30 UTC
Hehe... Steve is an evil tease. Love it!


honeyjojames September 13 2009, 12:14:48 UTC
gjuwef;ujkhegiolfwlfjkwdyiffvv *ded*

Also? Steve calling Chris 'kitten' is possibly the hottest thing ever! ♥


elebridith September 13 2009, 15:01:57 UTC
MROAWR!!!! *purrs*


shannonrita September 13 2009, 17:23:32 UTC
Now THAT is nice to wake up to. Yikes. *purring*


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