Tuesday - Schmoop

Feb 03, 2009 05:44

So many great prompts were left yesterday for the "Music & Lyrics" theme! I hope today's theme has an equally great response ( Read more... )

prompts: schmoop

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badfalcon February 9 2009, 15:53:58 UTC
“You think I could make you come just like this?” Steve mused, stroking his hands over the edge of Christian’s wings, making both Christian and his wings tremble, a low moan ripped from Christian. “Make you come just from touching your wings, make you come without even touching your cock?” He dipped his head, tongue tracing up Christian’s spine, lapping at the fine sheen of sweat coating Christian’s spine; Christian arching his back and fisting his hands in the pillow under his head. Sitting back up straight, Steve trailed his hands up Christian’s back, over firm muscle, to soft skin, to downy feathers ( ... )


havenward February 9 2009, 16:01:55 UTC

::..... and is completely incoherent::


honeyjojames February 9 2009, 17:28:00 UTC
Fuck, I love his wings too! Totally gorgeous, thank you!
Also? *is ded*


shannonrita February 9 2009, 23:00:14 UTC
I have no clue how the hell I'm going to concentrate in class tonight...


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