keep your kingly dignity and look away//uther-arthur+merlin, pg-13

Oct 17, 2010 14:59

title; keep your kingly dignity and look away
rating; pg-13
word count; 3,050
characters/pairings; uther, arthur/merlin
spoilers; mild spoilers for 3x06
disclaimer; I do not own any of the characters, they're all property of their respective creators.
summary; the five times Uther caught Merlin and Arthur goofing around and the one time they weren't

a/n; m' after this scene I HAD to write this. Also-title!fail :P


Uther has had many people fall to his feet in his life; convicted sorcerers begging for their lives, thankful peasants praising him, excited children bowing down to their king...

But there was nothing quite like walking in to Arthur’s chambers and being greeted by a cushion falling to his feet.

He sighs and looks up at the frozen figures of his son and his manservant and fights the urge to roll his eyes.

“A word,” he says. Neither of them move, in fact that boy-Merlin only seems to stand up straighter looking keenly interested. Uther looks Arthur pointedly, “alone.” He clarifies.

Merlin seems to get the hint and bowing briefly to him, he departs. Though he takes his time, any other servant-any other decent respecting servant, would have left in haste but not Merlin, no.

Arthur follows his manservant with his eyes and if Uther didn’t know better, he’d think that there was a hint of pleading in his look. Almost as if he was begging for him not to leave him alone.

But it was for the best, what Uther needed to discuss was serious and he knew that having Merlin around would only distract Arthur and the gods knew he would need Arthur’s full attention to convince him for what was needed to be done. He’d always been a stubborn child.

So he waits until the chamber doors are firmly shut behind him before he begins, “I need to talk to you about...Elena.”

Afterwards, when he opens the chamber doors to leave, he finds Merlin standing with his ears pressed to the wood. He stumbles when Uther opens the door and colors immediately, mumbling incoherent apologizes.

Of course, he’d been listening. Uther wants to reprimand him for eavesdropping on private matters, he even considering sending him to the stocks but he supposes Arthur would have told him anyway the second he’d left.

He shakes his head and leaves without comment.


The moment Lord Godwin and Elena ride off, Arthur walks past Uther without even looking at him, Merlin at his side. Uther can sense the anger in his son’s stride and he feels guilt tugging at his insides.

Arthur has the makings of a great King, there is no doubt about it. He’s stronger than Uther had been at his age, he’s not afraid to stand up and question and defy custom. Something Uther hasn’t been able to bring himself to do even when he knows it’s the right thing.

Arthur is honest and loyal and brave and is loved by all of Camelot and beyond. Yes, he will make for a great King.

He thinks of his love for Ygraine and suddenly feels selfish for denying Arthur that right-to have the love and support of the woman he loves. It pains him to admit it, but he had indeed been a bit harsh on him. Forcing Elena’s hand on him knowing that Arthur had no feelings for her was unfair-even if it had been the perfect allegiance for Camelot.

He knows he owes Arthur an apology; he needs his son to know that his father trusts in him. He works up the courage all the way up to Arthur’s chamber. Pausing outside the door, he listens to the voices coming from inside.

“You were right Merlin...not often that it’s true but you were right this time. An unhappy king does not make for a stronger king. My father has it the wrong.”

Uther lets out a frustrated growl. So Merlin was the acting force behind this. Merlin, Merlin, Merlin...

The boy has too strong a hold on Arthur’s feelings than acceptable. Arthur had listened to his word over Uther’s-his father and King....

“Your father has a lot of things wrong...” Merlin replies confidently.

Even though Uther doesn’t hold Arthur’s actions against him any longer, he cannot forgive the fact that he is sitting in his chambers and talking about him behind his back to his manservant of all people.

“But this just goes to show if you listened to me more, you’d make less a fool of yourself than you already do.” Merlin says and it’s followed by a hearty laugh from Arthur.

“I’m the one who makes a fool of myself?”

“I’ve you told you you’re a clotplole...a condescending, patronizing, selfish, royal prat.”

“You forgot one...what was it again doll-”


Uther’s eyes widen at the daring of this boy. If any other servant were to insult Arthur like that, Uther would have had his head.

He pushes open the chamber doors to find the two of them standing by the window, Merlin’s head trapped under Arthur’s arm. Arthur’s rubbing his knuckles on the top of his head and Merlin is protesting feebly, tugging at Arthur’s sleeves. They clearly haven’t noticed his presence.

Arthur eventually stops but he doesn’t remove his arm. He just drapes it along Merlin’s shoulder and pulls him closer.

They stand together silently, much too close for a prince and a manservant before Arthur says in a soft voice that Uther barely hears; “Thank you, Merlin.”

And to add to his shock, Merlin wraps an arm around Arthur’s waist and smiles at him.

Uther can’t take this anymore. He clears his throat, and Arthur immediately drops his hand, turning around to look at him with wide eyes.

“I want a word with you...” he says.

Arthur looks at Merlin who stares right back and gives a little shrug before he turns to leave but Uther stops him. “You might as well stay,” he says. There really is no point in his leaving. He’ll know the smallest details of this conversation anyhow.

Merlin looks surprised but goes back to side beside Arthur.

Uther takes a deep breath, “I admit that I was...” he swallows, “wrong in forcing Princess Elena’s hand on you.” Arthur’s face breaks into a surprised grin and he turns to look at Merlin. MERLIN.

Maybe inviting him to stay hadn’t been that good of an idea after all.


As soon as Uther receives the telegram from King Uriens, he heads straight to Arthur’s chambers. There is much to be done before his arrival and he wants to have a private word with Arthur before he calls an official meeting.

Arthur is breakfasting when he enters, Merlin sitting beside him and oh god-is he eating out of the same tray?

Indeed. Merlin reaches for the grapes and plucks one easily from the bunch before spreading butter and honey on his bread.

“Leave some for me will you. You eat like a pig.” Arthur says, eyeing Merlin’s plate.

“Oi! I do not!” Merlin retorts.

“Where are my pickled eggs this morning?” Arthur asks, scanning the contents of the breakfast tray.

“You’re gaining weight again.” Merlin says with a shrug, “Best lay off on them for a while.” He brings a finger to his mouth and sucks it.

Uther steps forward, “I expect my son to be served whatever he desires. He is the crowned prince of Camelot in case some of us have forgotten.”

Merlin goes white, honey coated finger still in his mouth as he stares at Uther in shock. Arthur laughs, “Hear that Merlin?” He stands and bows slightly to Uther. “Father, join us. There’s enough food here for eight people.”

“I can see that,” Uther says, staring pointedly at Merlin’s plate. The boy makes a move to get up but Uther shakes his head, “Stay.” Merlin sinks back into his chair and relaxes.

“What brings you here so early?” Arthur asks as Uther fills his plate with bread and cheese.

“King Uriens just sent word; he will be arriving in Camelot three days hence.”

Arthur raises his eyebrows, “And his sons?”

“The eldest shall be accompanying him.”

Arthur groans and Uther can’t help but smile. “Now I know that the two of you did not get along as children but I expect you to treat our guests with utmost respect, Arthur.”

Merlin looks from Uther to Arthur with an interested expression before reaching for the berries on Arthur’s plate. Arthur mindlessly bats away his hand but Merlin plucks one up anyway. Arthur in turn grabs the leftover buttered bread from Merlin’s plate and swallows it in one bite.

Uther can’t even begin to fathom the fact that Merlin is eating out of Arthur’s plate and Arthur is eating his servant’s leftover food. It’s preposterous but the two of them seem completely at ease as if this is their morning routine for every day.

“How long will they be staying?” Arthur asks, beckoning for Merlin to fill his water goblet.

“A week at the most,” Uther says.

“A WEEK?!” Arthur cries, knocking over his now filled water goblet.

“You prat! Look what you’ve done!” Merlin exclaims, heedless of the fact that Uther is sitting right there and he’s insulting his son.

Arthur ignores him and turns on Uther. “Father, you can’t possibly expect me to stay civil for a week, not after-”

“I understand you have issues with Urien’s son but please Arthur, is a week of courtesy too much to ask of you?”

Arthur sighs and allows Merlin to mop up the water from under his plate before he nods curtly, “Alright.”

Uther stands and claps his hand on his son’s shoulder. “Thank you,” he says. “I’ll see you at the council meeting today.”

Merlin bows hastily as Uther turns to leave. Before he closes the chamber doors he hears Arthur say, “Make sure you poison his drink when they get here, Merlin. I will personally ensure your happy and prosperous life.”

Uther shakes his head and smiles.


“We succeeded in putting down the rebellion, the villagers have been given provision and I’ve arranged for my knights to make monthly patrol visits along the border to ensure peace.”

“You have done well,” Uther says, inclining his head towards Arthur, “I know it must not have been easy. Hadrian’s men are vicious.”

“Again, I must give some credit to my servant-Merlin...” Arthur says motioning towards Merlin who stands dirty and bruised behind him. “If it weren’t for him, I don’t think I’d be alive.”

Uther frowns slightly. Of course it has to be Merlin. The whole army of Camelot’s knights does nothing for the safety of Arthur’s life like Merlin does. He looks at the battered faces of the men; they don’t seem offended, if anything, they’re smiling proudly at Merlin.

Uther thinks he’ll never understand the fondness the whole castle has for that clumsy boy. “He shall be rewarded,” he says and waves a hand of dismissal.

Later on, he decides he’ll congratulate Arthur in person on his victory.

Upon entering his quarters, he finds Merlin and Arthur sitting on the bed, Arthur dabbing Merlin’s face with a wet cloth. For a moment, he thinks of nothing but of how inappropriate it is for a prince to be tending to a servant before he remembers this is Merlin he’s concerned with and Merlin doesn’t count as any other servant.

“Stop squirming will you?” Arthur says, irritated.

“It hurts!” Merlin protests.

Arthur pulls his hand away slightly, worry painting his face. “Maybe it’s something serious...are you sure you’re feeling okay?

“I’m fine. Just let me prepare your bed and then I’ll leave.”

“No.” Arthur says firmly, pulling Merlin’s face back, “Not until you let me clean you up.” He knots his fingers in the boy’s hair and pulls him closer, running the cloth down the side of his face with gentleness Uther has never seen in him before.

“You don’t have to do this...” Merlin says weakly, eyes falling closed.

Arthur pauses and stares at him affectionately, Uther feels like he’s intruding on a private moment, too private for another’s eyes.

“I know...” Arthur whispers before dipping the cloth in the bowl of water and bringing it back to Merlin’s face. Merlin wraps his fingers around Arthur’s wrist and Uther can see the small smile that graces Arthur’s face even in the dim light.

He turns and leaves as silently as he can.


Uther has no mind to go into Arthur’s chambers, he’s simply walking past them when he hears the racket coming from inside. Curious, he pushes open the doors and enters the room, looking around.

He ducks out of the way just in time as a ruby encrusted goblet goes flying over his head. Merlin is backing out towards him as Arthur throws random things in his general direction. A moment later, it’s a muddy boot and then another followed by silver shield and when a pillow hits Uther square in the face, he growls in anger.

But he’s knocked aside before he can protest as Arthur and Merlin fall to the floor at his feet, wrestling with each other. Uther steps back, they’re a tangle of struggling limbs, completely oblivious to him and though Uther has now gotten used to it, he’s no less surprised.

“You...complete...idiot...” Arthur says, punctuating each word with a blow to Merlin’s chest.

Merlin presses his palm flat against Arthur’s forehead and pushes, tilting the prince’s head back at an uncomfortable angle. Arthur pokes a finger in Merlin’s eyes but Merlin aims a good kick at Arthur’s stomach and while he doubles over, he takes the opportunity to flip them.

He straddles Arthur and pins his arms above his head with surprising strength and Uther raises his eyebrows, anger momentarily forgotten at the failure of his son-the greatest knight in all of Camelot-to resist this scrawny little boy.

“Do you take it back?!” he shouts at Arthur’s writhing form, “DO YOU TAKE YOUR WORDS BACK?!”

Arthur closes his eyes and goes still under Merlin’s grip, letting his head thud back against the ground.

Merlin leans forward, smiling slyly and whispers something in Arthur’s ears and there’s something about the way in which he tilts his head, something about the way Arthur’s expression shifts from irritated to...well, Uther doesn’t want to think about this...but, how he suddenly looks aroused that makes Uther uncomfortable.

“Merlin...” Arthur groans, but it’s a different groan. Not as if he’s in pain but as if he’s demanding, pleading for something.

He catches a small flash of white teeth as Merlin takes Arthur’s earlobe between his teeth. Arthur moans this time, his hips pushing up against Merlin’s and oh god, what is Uther doing here? He does not want to see this, does not need to see proof that those looks these two give to each other across the hall during dinners and meetings and the little touches he catches passing between them have an actual deeper, more intimate meaning...

He’s about to leave when Arthur’s eyes snap open suddenly, landing straight on Uther’s face. “Father!” he exclaims, scrambling to his feet and Uther tries very, very hard to keep his gaze away from the very obvious bulge in Arthur’s breeches.

Arthur looks flustered and Merlin hasn’t even made to stand up, he’s hiding behind Arthur’s legs and Uther forgets what godforsaken reason brought him here in the first place until the reminder of the pillow colliding with his face brings him back.

“That goblet is encrusted with the finest ruby in all of Camelot. You should show more care with such things.” He says before leaving swiftly.


Uther calls for Leon when Arthur doesn’t show up to his summons. The knight enters with a bowed head.

“Where is Prince Arthur?” Uther asks, “I sent for him an hour ago and he hasn’t replied. I was informed that he didn’t show up for training either?”

“Prince Arthur is...” Leon pauses and his cheeks color slightly, “He is otherwise occupied today.”

Uther stands up, hands on his hips, “What could be more important than this? I told him I needed to discuss a matter of deep urgency. Go get him this instant.”

Leon doesn’t move, he avoids Uther’s gaze as he says “We were given strict orders not to disturb him under any circumstances unless Camelot was being attacked and about to crumble to pieces, maybe not even then...” Leon smirks a little before he realizes what he’s just said and shaking his head, he bows down low once more. “I meant-”

“I shall go fetch him myself.” Uther says, striding towards the doors.

“My lord-” Leon says, suddenly stepping in front of him and blocking his path. Uther stares at him in shock. Leon has never been this disrespectful before. He’s actually trying to stop him-the King from proceeding... “Sire...I-I don’t think that’s wise.”

“I do not need you to tell me what is wise or not Leon,” he says, “I wish to see Prince Arthur and I’ll be damned if anyone stops me!” he sweeps past him and through the doors and heads straight for Arthur’s chambers.

When he bursts through the chamber doors, he’s met with silence. The room is a mess. Clothes and boots and feathers from ripped pillows scattering the floor. The table has two empty jugs of wine on it and a half filled tray of fruit.

Uther carefully manoeuvres his way around the mess and walks towards the bed.

At first, all he can make out are naked limbs but then he sees the mop of dark hair splayed on the pillow beside Arthur’s blonde and his breath catches in his throat. Arthur has one arm curved around Merlin’s bare shoulder and Merlin is breathing softly against Arthur’s neck, their legs entwined and peeking out from under the scrunched up sheets.

Uther stares in disbelief at the two of them, at the sated looks on their faces and the light bruises on Merlin’s neck and he tries not to think of how he came to get them.

Merlin shifts suddenly and Uther jerks back, not wanted for him to catch him there. But Merlin merely moves closer to Arthur mumbling something against his neck before his breathing steadies once more.

Uther, not able to take the sight of the two of them in their sleepy contentment any longer, leaves.

He runs into Leon along the way and with as much dignity as he can muster, he says “See to it that Prince Arthur comes to see me tomorrow and...” he leans in closer, lowering his voice, “tell him to use the bolt on his door in the future.”
Leon fights to hide a smile, "Yes of course, sire..." 

fandom: merlin, word count: 1000-5000, merlin: arthur/merlin, rated: pg-13

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