Drabble: Never Meant to be so Cold (Nathan Petrelli)

Jun 28, 2009 01:52

Title: Never Meant to be So Cold
Rating: G
Characters: Nathan Petrelli, mentions of Tracy, Peter, Claire and Angela
Warnings: Spoilers for volume 4
Summary: Nathan reflects on all that has happened...
A/N: Hahahah second drabble in an hour :P My Nathan muse is on fire but I cant help think these drabbles are pretty crappy... well, something is better than nothing rihgt? :P The title is taken from a Crossfade song "Cold". Written for the "Accident" prompt at gen_drabble

Helping them; that’s all he’d ever wanted to do.

And now, he was trapped in his own self created web…left watching helpless as the people around him suffered because of him, because he’d turned on his own kind...

And there was no way out…no way to fix it… It was out of control and he was left feeling like the worst kind of hypocrite, a cheater…

Tracy hated him, Peter hated him, Claire hated him even his own mother hated him, though she’d never say…

But they wouldn’t understand that he’d never meant for it to turn out this way…

[fandom] fanfiction, tv: heroes

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