Title: Walker
Genre: Horror/supernatural
Setting: Late 1991, rural town in the Catskill Mountains in New York
Rating: PG? Nothing explicit at all, so something like that.
Summary: Six-year-old Jamie Farren is a good boy. He makes good grades in school, he cleans his plate at every meal, and he goes to bed when he's told to. Nothing, however,
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Comments 3
It was kind of utterly creepy. That said, my favourite line was definitely.
They were in the land where all of his missing socks and pencils and spare change went to, that strange dimension linked to clothes dryers and pockets with holes in them.
I actually wish this had come out a bit creepier. I've been considering rewriting it since... well, since I wrote it the first time. ^^'
Hehe, my first thought after writing that line was "... Narnia?" @_@
Lol. I loved that line too!
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