New Diagnosis, New View?

Oct 02, 2010 17:24

I finally have been through enough therapy with my present counselor that this week we got into something new. That my new meds have revealed more of what's really me, and not so much of me with drugs. And with me being me, we can truly know what's wrong and actually account for all the symptoms, rather than just having things be inexplicable, ( Read more... )


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Comments 5

jacks5170 October 3 2010, 00:44:46 UTC
Wow, CP, I actually think that's super good news. Yay for you! Figuring out what's going on really is half the battle and even though the diagnosis has a big-time, scary-sounding name, as you've already figured out you've actually been living with it for a long time already. It can pretty much only get better from here, and now you have something to work with.


I understand how you feel about losing that energy...I wonder if there's almost an element of grieving to that? Something about the way you describe it makes me think that would be a big loss, and that to me spells grief. Just a thought anyway.



comm_phoenix October 3 2010, 19:54:10 UTC
Wow. I hadn't thought about it as something I was grieving, but I think you are correct. More to discuss in therapy, at least. Thanks for telling me that. :)


oparu October 3 2010, 00:57:16 UTC
sounds like a lovely improvement! It's always nice when things get names and explanations. I know I feel so much less crazy when they do.


hooray for being happier!


yappichick October 4 2010, 16:53:48 UTC
You know, sometimes having a name to the condition does bring a sense of peace. When I was sick, once I heard the diagnosis, my resolve is overcome it became solid. I had a name to the monster I was going to slay.

I pray that things start to get easier for you and that the panicky feeling (something I can totally sypathize with) will lessen with time. You are starting a that will be long, and at times, difficult, but when you get to your destination, you'll have the skills to survive anything life throws your way.



comm_phoenix October 5 2010, 03:31:22 UTC
Thank you! It helps to hear positive words. And I love the pic of Frodo and Sam Wise. So adorably huggable!


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