Day 20: A Hobby Of Yours

Sep 08, 2010 07:33

Let's go with the oldest hobby. One that I started doing before TNG aired. Jewelry making. I own two pair of earrings I didn't make myself. Both were gifts from my mother in law. One is a set of 18 carat gold hoop style earrings, the other are sterling silver. Everything else I own I made. 


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Comments 3

smb_books September 12 2010, 14:13:52 UTC
WOW - that is awesome. I have all the supplies and I've made a few things, but would like to create more things on a much more regular basis. I've never taken any classes, but think I need to find some. Right now it's just hit and miss, make a bracelet and hope it doesn't fall apart. ;-)


Must. Continue. comm_phoenix September 12 2010, 14:20:18 UTC
You must continue! It's the only way to get better. I spent probably the better part of a decade on my own doing the same thing, and trying to do what I saw in books. Definitely take a class-- it improved my work dramatically.

Check with the local craft stores, or there are some good online videos now that you can even watch. Holler if you need resources and I'll see what I can help you find.


Re: Must. Continue. smb_books September 12 2010, 14:32:50 UTC
Thank you! I appreciate the encouragement very much. :-)


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