YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!iluciferiMay 15 2003, 07:31:02 UTC
You're Marty! My super duper close friend that I don't get to see often *weeps*. You're a bit intimidating with the black and the chains and the whole pagan/witch thing, but deep down you're a big softie with a heart of gold that everybody loves! *muah*
I took it and posted it in my journal, too! How fun!!!!!!
You're Cat! A vintage-y dollface with fabulous style and a fabulous personality. You're deeply in love with Peter Pan and the Beatles...great hair too...
Cool of you to ...rosered32May 15 2003, 23:29:02 UTC
Think so highly of your friends... this was great. Please post pics so the people who aren't on this quiz can see who we resemble....You are too cool Jane!
You're Stephanie! You're an aspiring filmmaker who models her life after the movie "Ghost World" and you've also met most of the Coppolas and the Gylenhalls. You're just so damn hip.
Comments 5
don't get to see often *weeps*. You're a bit
intimidating with the black and the chains and
the whole pagan/witch thing, but deep down
you're a big softie with a heart of gold that
everybody loves! *muah*
Which of my Hip Slinkster Friends are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
You're so sweet Becca!! If you'd like, I can give you a picture to go along with that: )
You're Cat! A vintage-y dollface with fabulous
style and a fabulous personality. You're deeply
in love with Peter Pan and the Beatles...great
hair too...
Which of my Hip Slinkster Friends are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
You're Stephanie! You're an aspiring filmmaker who
models her life after the movie "Ghost
World" and you've also met most of the
Coppolas and the Gylenhalls. You're just so
damn hip.
Which of my Hip Slinkster Friends are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
I hope your friends realize how luck they are to have you as their friend!
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