Volume 119, Issue 4

Feb 10, 2016 12:05

- arrow_tv posted another DC character off-limits to Arrow.
- cap_ironman posted Cap Iron Man Newsletter.

- angelbutterfly3 posted a search for a specific story where a device messes with Loki's mind in the past.

- iluvaqt created "Now I'm Free" (Rated R, Chloe/Carter Hall).

- iloome wrote "for none of them would save him". (Rated Teen, Steve/Tony)
- eustacia_vye28 wrote "Ghosts Inside". (Rated NC-17, Natasha, Loki)

- bradygirl_12 wrote "The Raven And The Nightingale Book II: The Gold Coast" Parts 20-25/25. (Rated NC-17, Vicki Vale, Bruce/Dick (Bruce does not appear in Ch. 4 and Ch. 22), Alfred Pennyworth, Barbara Gordon, Roy Harper, Donna Troy, Selina Kyle, Various OCs)
- grlmonday wrote "Bonded". (Rated T, Chloe/Clark)
- phillydragonldy wrote "Ctrl+Alt+DELETE". (Rated PG, Chloe/Lex)
- crookedspoon wrote "Love is a Many-Splintered Thing". (Rated Teen, Harleen Quinzel/Shazam)
- futurescribbler wrote "It's Party Time!" Part 3, Part 4,
Part 5 and Part 6. (Rated PG-13, Chloe/Lex)

Drabbles and Ficlets
- disco_pinecone wrote "It's All About the Math". (Rated Teen, Steve/Tony)
- dreammaiden wrote "The Way of Love Is Cold". (Rated PG-13, Darcy/Sif)
- katleept wrote "Friends Like Her". (Rated PG, Jubilee, Pixie)

- the_diggler wrote three SuperBat Secret Santa fics. (Rated PG to R, Superman/Batman)

- smutswap posted about Smut Swap - multi-fandom exchange for sex/smut/kinks.
- scribble_myname posted about Marvel is Marvel exchange (all Marvel canons).
- comics_ic has Challenge #92: Icon Chain.
- flarrow_stills has Challenge #41: Pale vs Vibrant.

- famira posted 30 Captain America Superbowl trailer icons and 65 more.
- iwillnotdance posted Agents of SHIELD icons in a multi-fandom post.
- fayfayren posted Supergirl and Flash icons in a multi-fandom post.
- sinister_morgue posted an Ant-Man icon in a multi-fandom post.
- sietepecados posted Arrow, Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, iZombie, Daredevil, Agent Carter and The Wicked + The Divine icons in a multi-fandom post.
- violateraindrop posted Legends of Tomorrow icons.
- word_never_said posted Supergirl, Black Widow, Black Canary, Green Arrow, Speedy and Felicity Smoak icons.
- ddionysia posted Captain America: Civil War icons.

- arrow_tv posted Arrow "Sins of the Fathers" poster.

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