Volume 073, Issue 025

Mar 30, 2012 09:59

- ingu_x posted The Avengers soundtrack released.

- nomadicwriter posted FF #16 review.

- yellowcape posted looking for Dick, Tim gen fic and Dick/Babs het fic.

- elsian drew Mein Geliebter. (Rated PG-13, Erik/Charles)
- johanirae drew Sweet Reunion. (Rated PG, Loki/Thor, Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, Black Widow)

cgf_kat wrote "Do You Love Me (16/?)". (Rated R, Charles/Erik, Raven/Hank, Sean/Moira, Scott/Jean, brief Raven/Azazel)
snowynight wrote "Once Upon a Time ". (Rated PG, Steve/Tony)
- guardian_erin wrote "Everything Nice (1/?)". (Rated R, Cable/Deadpool)
- guardian_erin wrote "Sugar and Spice (11/12)" and "(12/12) - The End". (Rated T, Cable, Deadpool, Hope, Sandi, Tasky, Outlaw, Wolverine, Scott Summers)
ruperts wrote "I Need an Ambulance (I took the worst of the blow)". (Rated M, Wade/Bob)
wintervioleteye wrote "Sanctuary For All". (Rated PG-13, The Avengers/Sanctuary crossover)
- jade_dragoness wrote "IOU: One Captain America". (Rated PG, Clint Barton/Phil Coulson)
- orlidepp wrote "A St. Patty's Day Wish". (Rated PG-13, Sean/Emma)
eiluned wrote "Permanence". (Rated NC-17, Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov)
- milky_haven wrote "You Breathe Infinity into my World, Part 2". (Rated T, Thor/Loki, onesided Loki/Sigyn)

- rijsg wrote "Welcome Home". (Rated PG, Batman)
- ladyknightanka wrote "Table Tennis". (Rated PG, Steve/Tony, Pepper, Thor)
- trill_gutterbug wrote "An Experiment in Posthumous Subsistence". (Rated NC-17, Batman/Joker)
- disco_vendetta wrote "Call It Honesty". (Rated PG-13, Young Justice/The Hunger Games AU, Wally/Artemis, Conner/Megan)

Drabbles and Ficlets
- orlidepp wrote "Passion In The Storm". (Rated R, Ororo/Kitty)
spicedpiano wrote "For I Have Followed the Cracks on These Walls". (Rated PG, Charles/Erik)

amaresu wrote "Meetings of (in)Consequence". (Rated G, Young Justice/St Trinian's crossover, Artemis Crock, Annabelle Fritton, Tara, Tania)
- quiet__tiger wrote "Prepare for the Best". (Rated PG-13, Batman, Joker)

- dark_fest has deadline today.

- girlyevil posted 60s Batman icons in multi-fandom post.
- t0ra_chan posted Aria icons.

- xenokattz posted Heath Ledger as Joker skateboarding over Christian Bale as Batman.

garrideb posted Chicago Meet-Up.

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