Title: "On The Way Home" Fandom: Agent Carter (TV), Iron Man (Movies) Characters: Howard Stark, Edwin Jarvis, Obadiah Stane Rating: PG Word count: 250 Challenge: #17: Late
Title: Advice Fandom: The Avengers (movie verse) Character(s)/Pairing(s): Bruce Banner/Tony Stark, Thor Odinson Rating: PG-13 Word count: 402 Warnings: none this time, but a light angst Challenge: #017 Late
Title: Not Too Late Fandom: Batman (Nolan movieverse) Character(s)/Pairing(s): Bruce Wayne; Selina Kyle, implied past Bruce/Rachel Rating: G Word count: 352 Warnings: none Challenge: #017 - "Late"
Title: Game Changer Fandom: Batman Character(s)/Pairing(s): Selina Kyle; Bruce/Selina Rating: PG-13 Word count: 291 Warnings: To any guys out there: Although there are no icky details, the following does pertain to certain aspects of female biology. Challenge: #017 - "Late"