Title: "God's Way" Author: Kat Lee Rating: G/K Fandom: X-Men Characters: Nightcrawler, Cyclops Challenge: #34: Rebirth Word Count: 500 Summary: ( Those who follow God's way are always blessed. )
The theme of rebirth really does fit Nightcrawler very well. He is always trying to reinvent himself to be closer to his god. It makes me smile to see him preaching to the students to be a peace with their powers.
Thank you for seeing this as the piece it's supposed to be, promoting peace and a faith character piece for Nightcrawler. I got several paragraphs from an anonymous reviewer about how "all" my stories are preaching. *rolls eyes*
It's somewhat both pathetic and ridiculous, really, when you consider that I've posted on that site over 2,000 fics, including the rare PWP and Pagan pieces.
Comments 2
It's somewhat both pathetic and ridiculous, really, when you consider that I've posted on that site over 2,000 fics, including the rare PWP and Pagan pieces.
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